Cruz Sans is a type family that was conceived during a workshop with the swiss type designer Bruno Maag (owner of they british foundry Dalton Maag), in 2002. During the workshop it was developed the basic character set of the regular weight, and a draft version of light and bold variants. A few months later, the letterforms were fine-tuned and the basic Latin character set was completed. Intended for publications, have slight condensed letters that fit nicely on narrow text columns. It was never released as a retail font, but it was licensed to a few books, magazines and ads. The most notable usage was on Info Corporate (an IT magazine), where it became the headline font. On a later redesign, it was also used as the body text font for sections. All of them were published from 2002 to 2007.
Featured at:
- exhibition: Tipografia Brasilis 3 | FAAP | São Paulo-BR (2002)
- exhibition: TypeCon Gallery | Minneapolis-USA (2003)
- design competition: Bienal Letras Latinas (2004)
- design competition: 7ª Bienal de Design Grafico ADG (2004)