In 2018, Typism invited me to present a talk at their annual type conference in Gold Coast, Australia. Speakers were invited to design a t-shirt to be produced by The Print Bar and sold at the event. Mine was inspired on vernacular hand letterings, the theme of my talk "The Beauty of Ugly Lettering". It is common in Australia to advertise cars for sale by parking them on the streets and placing hand made signs. So I have curated common phrases from ads of cars for sale and adapted for tees. I have used my typeface Brasilêro on the artwork.

I have made the artwork with two colours, being one of them a drop shadow on the main lettering. Adjust the meeting of both colours is a challenging task for printing in silkscreen. I was impressed with the impeccable quality of the outcome by The Print Bar! And also very happy for them to pick up mine as one of their favourites in all editions of the event.