In 2011, FIAT launched the first open source car in the history of automobile industry, and decided to tell this creative process in a biligual book (Portuguese + English). With very heterogeneous content, the solution was to deal each spread as a unique layout, and use a different typography at every quarter of the book, in an allusion to the evolution from sketches to the final car.
The existence of similar drawings of the car in the same position both in sketches and final versions motivated the creation of a jacket on vellum paper, in an allusion to the evolution from sketches to the final car.
The cover was selected for the 10th Brazilian Biennial of Graphic Design, organized by ADG.

— Art Director: Crystian Cruz
— Design editor: Fernando Caro
— Designer: Glauco Diógenes
— Text: Adriano Silva
— Photos: Centro Estilo da Fiat + Kiko Ferrite
— Translator: Isabel Desenne
— Proof reader: Ulysses Borges de Lima
— Design editor: Fernando Caro
— Designer: Glauco Diógenes
— Text: Adriano Silva
— Photos: Centro Estilo da Fiat + Kiko Ferrite
— Translator: Isabel Desenne
— Proof reader: Ulysses Borges de Lima