Natura is the largest Brazilian cosmetics company by revenue, specialized in direct sales model. In 2014, I was hired by the company as a consultant in a co-creative workshop that would define the visual guidelines for their brand-new online marketplace. My task was to help them to understand the pitfalls and technical constraints of the creative process and its impact on design workflow, making a bridge between Natura and the design agency. I was also asked to bring visual references and make remarks on aesthetic and functionality, facilitating the process of choosing a design direction.
In the end, the client was so pleased with my participation that invited me to join the team to develop the websites. Agency Salve lead the creation of the online marketplace, with my assistance. I was responsible for creating Sala de Bem Estar (Wellness room, in Portuguese), a sort of online magazine that would bring content related to their products. The process involved the creation of an emblem logo and a template that would determine grid, colour palette, graphics and image styling. Agency Salve was responsible for the coding and implementation of the website.